suspicions sur la qualité de leur cire en Rhone-Alpes

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Messages: 180
Inscrit le: Lun 18 08, 2014 - 2:28 am

Re: suspicions sur la qualité de leur cire en Rhone-Alpes

Messagepar docbb » Sam 08 10, 2016 - 1:32 pm

des photos qui montrent bien le problème sur Beesource (américain) par un Api Allemand

Some impressions how it does look like if you have toxic foundations:


What you end up with is a shotgun pattern. The main thing you see, is that there is old larvae or capped brood in that comb, surrounded with tons of eggs. Eggs hatch, but the youngest larvae keep on dying. Some get through and those get capped normally. Hence the shotgun pattern.


This is a screenshot of the laboratory results. The blue line shows normal beeswax and the red line the adulterated wax, which is almost 100 % Stearin + some Palmitin.


What we found in wax that is sold as 100 % beeswax is all sorts of adulteration: Paraffine in all possible degrees of adulteration, Stearin, Just wow.

The effects can be reproduced all the time. Just put a toxic foundation next to combs of a healthy hive. You get this (out of the very same hive, side by side):


There must be something biotoxic in those foundations. Something that kills young larvae. Effects are found all over Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France. That is what we know so far.

We are investigating, wether it is a lubrication used during foundation making (Undeceth-8), the combination of it with Stearin or other possible contamination sources. It is said, that about 40 tons of the toxic wax entered the European market in 2016 alone.

Messages: 98
Inscrit le: Dim 16 06, 2013 - 5:54 pm

Re: suspicions sur la qualité de leur cire en Rhone-Alpes

Messagepar gnode » Dim 26 02, 2017 - 4:36 pm

J ai une question pour vous tous qui avez peut être lu plus d article que moi. J'ai en ma position 6kilo de cire qui ce trouve dans les lot à risque( Paquet acheté en prévision de ciré des cadre).
Avez vous lu quelque part que l'on pouvait reporter les lot ( paquets acheter cher un revendeur bijenhof )

Et si on ne peux pas savez vous si il peuvent être utilisés pour les hausses.
Que miel ce face dans vos colonies en pleine forme.


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